It may seem odd to blog a session that includes my kids’ dad, who most people call “your ex-husband.” I don’t find it odd at all, and
neither would the people that know us best. We co-parent, we talk or text almost daily, we travel and have family dinners together,
we genuinely help each other out! Life for children of divorce would be WAY better in this country if more “exes” could also work
together like we do, focusing first and foremost on the kids. But THAT is actually not what this pose is about.
I wanted to blog our SELFIE-tripod sessions from the 2009 & 2010 holiday seasons for good reason: 1. I love pictures of my kids
because they crack me up with their funny personalities. 2. To show that really great photos can come from a seemingly out of control session or from
a rough time in life (both sessions are from the end of our marriage) 3. To remind myself to “let go” and just have fun connecting–no matter who your
client is–letting them run the show whenever possible, even when it’s your own kids. And 4. to remember the really fun times we had as a family
even in the midst of heartache, because we were cool like that.
So going back to my family here, we may be a “divorced team” of 4, but we are 4 really fun and unique people that added so much to each
others’ lives, and still do! I have been ferreting through years of family and client images as I rebuild my website. It’s been
a cathartic walk down memory lane. I love my kids so stinking much. And their dad will always will be a part of my family no matter what!
I have held onto sour thoughts surrounding these 2 sessions for 4-5 years, but this process of looking back has focused me in the
present moment of who we are today as well as what I want to portray in my photography, FUN. I honor the beautiful moments that
we created together; those moment were real and not negated by being divorced. They are beautiful. We are the Calderons!
Tracie West - I really admire how you co-parent, how you are mature and lovely. I see so many, too many actually divorced families the family of HATE. Even now, when I bring up my natural fathers name, there is spit and fire and HATE. It breaks my heart. Because all children really want is for their parents to love and respect each other and if they can’t live with one another than doing what you do is the best possible thing for those two beautiful gifts of yours. I love you for being mature and lovely. I will just say that one more time. It’s rare. But then again so are you. - Tracie thank you immensely for your thoughts. It’s not always easy for sure. I too am a child of divorce, my parents are super nice to each other and helped each other out when needed back when I was in high school. It’s a choice the kids’ dad and I make consciously daily, to show them the best possible co-parenting. We still have our issues, but we are still a “family” for the kids.